If you missed our regular Sunday worship in English during the summer, we have good news! Our Sunday Services in English are back, alongside a whole host of changes.
Starting Sunday, Sept 15 worship in the English language will start at 10:45 a.m. We will call this our Main Worship Service.
We continue to offer worship in German in our “Deutscher Gottesdienst” which will take place at 10:00 a.m. each Sunday. Alongside this new worship schedule we invite you to look forward to a new way of engaging our kids in our main worship and other changes that will be introduced gradually.
But that is not all!
Have you ever wondered what it means to be a disciple?
How did Jesus interact with his disciples?
How can I be a disciple?
We hope that these questions and many more will be answered in our new series starting this Sunday. We begin in Mark 4 where our guest preachers Carol and Lloyd Letkemann will take us through a parable that will give us a roadmap for discipleship.