We are excited to launch our new website!
Over the last few years we have been working on an upgrade and now we are ready fo our unveiling. As you will notice, this is still a work in progress, however, we are overjoyed to present some of the features of this website:
Our sermons: Here you will be able to listen to every sermon you may have missed. Please come back soon for more information as we are working towards turning our sermons into a podcast you can subscribe to on your phone.
Information about our Programs: Following the “Ministries” tab will lead you to all the latest information about your children, youth and VBS programming. Come back soon to see pictures, event information and more information about our ministries.
Events and News: These last two features we are especially excited about. Not sure what is going on every week at SHMC? Go to our events page, find the events on the calendar and click on them for more information. Similarly, make sure to check in on our News page as we regularly update with blog posts from our Pastors, more information on our sermon series alongside with any information we think is important for our congregation!
We hope you enjoy this new way of communicating with you. Please make sure you also follow us on Facebook and invite your friends to come and experience SHMC for themselves.
Pastor Rafael