Time for a Picnic

Summer is here!

And that means it’s time for our annual “Church Picnic.” We are meeting at Bunn’s Creek Park on Sunday, June 2 with the English Service starting at 11AM and lunch to follow. We hope to see you there. If you need a reminder or you want to invited friends, you can find this event on our website calendar.

Nicaragua Fundraiser Success!

If you joined us this past Sunday you will have experience a full Sunday; full of stories and pictures, full of good food, and also full of challenging teaching.

We are so excited to report that we made our fundraising goal of $20,000 for the construction of new classrooms at the Bethel School in San Benito, Nicaragua.

As a matter of fact we exceeded our expectations. Thank you so much for joining us and please keep in mind that we will be going to Nicaragua again, so if this is of interest to you keep an open ear for more info soon.

Why Mennonite?

While we interrupted our sermon series on Anabaptism for our Nicaragua Fundraiser we are back at it full tilt this Sunday. Pastor Jose Luis will share with us about discipleship and we are looking forward to it. If you have missed our previous sermons on Anabaptism or you need a refresher, you can find them here.

Please don’t forget to like and follow us on Facebook and connect with us in person.

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash